StorSmart Tenant Insurance
Protect your belongings from the unexpected with StorSmart insurance!
While StorSmart insurance is not mandatory if you have a valid homeowners, automotive or other type of private insurance policy in relation to your stored goods, it may still be recommended for the following reasons:
- Stored items are not always covered in every homeowner's policy.
- The cost of premiums could increase if a claim is filed.
- Your homeowner's policy could be cancelled if a claim is filed.

Coverage Options
Monthly Premium Coverage Limit
$9 $2,000
$13 $3,000
$22 $5,000
$32 $7,500
$42 $10,000
$50 $12,000
$63 $15,000
$83 $20,000

StorSmart Insurance is a premier self-storage contents insurance program offered exclusively through Property
First Group LP. Property First Group LP does business in California as Property First Insurance Agency (CA license
no. 0H93939) and in all other states as Property First Group Insurance Agency (NY license no. 1216623, PA license
no. 588404) StorSmart Insurance was developed from more than 40 years of experience in self storage operations
& insurance and features the most comprehensive contents insurance program in the industry. Underwritten by
New Hampshire Insurance Company (A.M. Best Rating of A- Excellent), an affiliate of American International Group
(AIG) which serves more than 90 million customers in over 100 countries. StorSmart Insurance is focused on
providing the self-storage operator and their customers with integrity, value, and peace of mind.